Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Lords of Chaos 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Lords of Chaos 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Lords of Chaos-2019 小鴨 在线-小鴨-mp4-香港-下載-imax-mcl 电影.jpg

Lords of Chaos 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Lords of Chaos (电影 2019)


169 一会儿




DAT 1080


Drama, Horror, Thriller, Comedy




Shayley, Sean X. Michai, Léona O. Laramée

全体人员 - Lords of Chaos 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

A teenager's quest to launch Norwegian Black Metal in Oslo in the 1990s results in a very violent outcome.
This movie is more comedy/parody than representation of real events. It doesn't represent truth as movie claims. Performance is weak and few things are absolutely made up, like Aarseth having girlfriend. He never had girlfriend, he was gay & he didn't even cut his hair (like they showed in movie) according to Varg Vikernes (real). This movie is made by amateur crew who didn't even bother to check real events. If someone is interested in real facts, better read on Wikipedia.
A very well-made thing, in the middle between “lad-film” and “psycho-drama”.

However, there’s a layer missing, and I don’t mean “where’s muh black metal soundtrack” or “Varg was right” or “but there was deep philosophy!!!111” or some such.

What I mean is the following: in the film “Generation P” (2011), first there’s one moment where the central character eats fly agaric mushrooms in the woods and trips heavily, and then a second moment where he takes acid at home and ancient Sumerian gods start appearing in the walls.

If you take these two moments from Generation P, and graft then onto Lords of Chaos—then this would provide an underlying narrative depth behind certain impulses of those involved and the directions taken by them.

Otherwise it’s like watching a film about Charles Manson, or Jimi Hendrix, or Black Sabbath, or the Ramones, where people only ever drink beer, and you’ve got this nagging feeling that something’s missing, something’s not quite right here…

The very notion, that in the beginning of the 1990’s, a new genre with heavy esoteric leanings could explode in Norway and Sweden, without accompanying psychedelic experiences, can’t be taken really seriously in this day and age.

Even the more “commercial” bands like Dimmu Borgir and Tiamat no doubt dabbled in this and that. One does not create an esoteric quasi-religion that’s alive and well to this day, evolving even, on beer alone. And this can be also said of early 1990’s Swedish death metal as well. One does not record albums like “Left Hand’s Path” and “Like an Ever Flowing Stream” on beer alone.

All this aside, “Lords of Chaos” is as well made as it could be. The director is, after all, a music/advert clip director—just like the director of “Generation P” for that matter—both directors did their best to use their skills in a new medium, plus stretch the budget, plus get the best possible performance out of enthusiastic B actors.

It worked. Keeping in mind how the film was made and on what terms—it works a 100%.
And is indeed worth re-watching.
Bravo to everyone who made this film the best that it could be!
**_Equal parts funny and harrowing; an enjoyable "true story"_**

>_Violent torture_

> _Death has arrived_

> _Armageddon_

> _Terror and fright_

> _Bleeding corpses_

> _Rotting decay_

> _Anarchy_

> _Violent torture_

> _Antichrist_

> _Lucifer_

> _Son of Satan_

> _Pure Fucking Armageddon_

> _Pure Fucking Armageddon!_

- Mayhem; "Pure Fucking Armageddon" (written by Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth; Kjetil Manheim; Jørn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud; Sven Erik "Maniac" Kristiansen; Eirik "Messiah" Norheim); from the EP, _Deathcrush_ (1987)

Authenticity is perhaps the most important currency in music. Bands who can legitimately say "_it's all about the music_" and actually back that claim up are automatically head and shoulders above their less authentic rivals, who may sing a good game, but who live a very different life. Think of how fake and preening Guns N' Roses made the glam metal bands of the 80s look. Think of how ludicrous and pampered Nirvana made Guns N' Roses look only a few years later. Think of how the lives led by members of The Doors and Sex Pistols were arguably even more extreme and rebellious than anything found in their songs. With this in mind, _Lords of Chaos_ looks at late 80s/early 90s Norwegian black metal, and asks the question, "_was its extreme image authentic or manufactured_".

Adapted from Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind's 1998 book _Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground_, written for the screen by Dennis Magnusson and Jonas Åkerlund, and directed by Åkerlund (_Spun_; _Polar_), the film tells the story of the black metal scene from the perspective of Mayhem co-founder Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth. Purporting to be a cult-like group of militant anti-establishment Satanists who practised human sacrifices, championed suicide, and advocated murder and anti-Christian violence, the film posits that most of its adherents knew that such declarations were simply for the purposes of marketing, and that claims of "_spreading fear and evil_" were not to be taken literally. _Lords of Chaos_, however, is about what happened when some black metallers took them very literally. What started as a group of harmless young men wearing black, talking about evil, and forging a new musical style, would soon lead to suicide, arson, and murder, as members set out to prove themselves the most "authentic" practitioners of the form. Equal parts darkly funny and unflinchingly disturbing, the film is primarily aimed at people who know little-or-nothing about the scene, as it seems unlikely it will receive much in the way of approval from current black metal acts, who will undoubtedly dislike their art form being made the butt of much of the ironic humour. Åkerlund never takes the scene as seriously as it takes itself, and, depending on your perspective, that's either the film's greatest strength or its most egregious failing.

Oslo, 1987. It has been three years since seventeen-year-old guitarist Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth (an excellent Rory Culkin) established his band, Mayhem. Coming from a middle-class background and residing in a comfortable suburb, Euronymous is determined to create a new subgenre of "_true Norwegian black metal_", but the band has made little headway thus far. Their fortunes change, however, when they receive a demo from Pelle "Dead" Ohlin (a superb Jack Kilmer), a Swedish singer looking for a band to front. They hire him, and although he shows self-destructive tendencies from the start, his voice fits their style so well, they humour him, as he and Euronymous form a genuine friendship. As time passes, however, Dead's behaviour becomes more erratic - cutting himself at gigs and spraying blood into the crowd, sniffing from a bag containing a dead bird before performances, wandering naked through the forest surrounding the house in Kråkstad the band use to rehearse, throwing pigs' heads at members of the audience he deems to be insufficiently authentic. After a gig, Euronymous meets an awkward fan, Kristian "Varg" Vikernes (a very creepy Emory Cohen), on whom he initially looks down. Meanwhile, overcome with depression, Dead kills himself by cutting his wrists and throat and shooting himself in the forehead with a shotgun. Upon finding the body, Euronymous takes pictures of the corpse, one of which he would use as the cover of the 1991 EP _Dawn of the Black Hearts_, and fashions necklaces out of Dead's skull. Shortly thereafter, Euronymous starts his own black metal record label (Deathlike Silence) and opens a record shop (Helvete), which becomes an unofficial social hub for black-metallers. He then establishes what he calls the "Black Circle" in the basement, into which he only permits those he deemed worthy, which eventually includes Varg. However, as time goes on, and Varg becomes more and more extreme, a power struggle between himself and Euronymous develops. When Varg starts burning churches, Euronymous sees himself losing pace with the very movement he established, and so claims that he inspired Varg's actions. Varg, however, has no intention of allowing Euronymous to steal his thunder.

An extreme offshoot of thrash metal and death metal, black metal was generally derided by the mainstream and criticised for its misogyny, racism, homophobia, and glamorisation of suicide. It was also seen as both anti-semitic and anti-Christian, and a number of practitioners have been accused of neo-Nazism and hate speech. The subgenre reached the height of its artistic expression in Norway in the late 80s and early 90s, with bands such as Mayhem, Darkthrone, Immortal, Emperor, and Gorgoroth, whilst practitioners adopted pseudonyms such as Hellhammer, Demonaz Doom Occulta, Occultus, Nocturno Culto, Samoth, Faust, and Satyr. Often wearing "_corpse paint_" and flaunting Satanic iconography, musical integrity was paramount for the movement, and to remain a true black metaller, one couldn't court mainstream success; the underground element of the culture was central to the sense of authenticity and danger it fostered (during an argument between Euronymous and Varg, Euronymous states, "_it has to sell, otherwise what are we doing here?_", an attitude utterly alien to Varg). Åkerlund, who has directed music videos for everybody from The Prodigy ("Smack My Bitch Up") to Madonna ("Ray of Light") to Rammstein ("Mein Land") to Beyoncé ("Hold Up"), was himself briefly a part of the scene, and a founding member of Bathory. Calling the film "_made-up crap_", Vikernes called his depiction "_character murder_", objecting to being portrayed as a "_power-hungry lunatic_". He was especially aghast at being played by "_a fat Jewish actor_".

One of the film's most salient aspects is that black metal wasn't simply a genre of music; it was a way of life, an outlet for the anti-establishment views of people who aimed much of their vitriol at Christianity, in the same way punk subculture targeted the conservativism of politicians such as Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. However, Åkerlund isn't especially interested in valorising the movement. There are moments of success and euphoria, of course, but the majority of the film is designed to chip away at the image of black metallers as evil incarnate. In this sense, the story is primarily about image and marketing. Euronymous isn't an especially gifted musician, but he is an extremely astute businessman, particularly when it comes to selling himself, knowing exactly how to cultivate the reputation he wants - some "evil" make-up here, a picture of a corpse there, some "evil" lyrics here, a "Hail Satan" there, and before you know it, the mainstream is in a frenzy and doing his work for him. Proto-outrage culture, if you will. Whereas some of the others saw evil in a literal sense, he saw it in terms of branding potential. Nowhere is this clearer than when he finds Dead's body, taking pictures which he would subsequently use to bolster the band's reputation as extreme.

It's in relation to this aspect of black metal, the manufactured nature of their evil, that much of the film's ironic humour is to be found. Euronymous and Dead's answering machine message is a growled, "_we can't come to the phone right now because we're too busy sacrificing children_". Describing their style, Euronymous proudly declares, "_when people hear our music, we want them to commit suicide._" Later on, he admits, "_all this evil and dark crap was supposed to be fun._" The night one black metaller leaves his house to go murder somebody, his mum offers to make him spaghetti. One member of Mayhem is shown riding a pushbike. Euronymous has to borrow his parents' car to get anywhere (it's difficult to be taken seriously as a purveyor of terror when you're in your dad's Volvo) and have his kid sister dye his hair jet-black. An impassioned speech about the nature of black metal is interrupted by someone being told their kebab is ready. Varg records the songs "Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown" and "Black Spell Of Destruction" (both 1991) with money borrowed from his mother. Euronymous complains of Christianity, "_they're oppressing us with their kindness and their goodness_". And in easily the funniest scene in the film, as Euronymous and Varg wait outside a recording studio, a group of elderly women emerge, with Euronymous taking great pleasure in running up to them and growling, "_Hail Satan!_" whilst waving the sign of the horns in their faces. This ironic tone is introduced in the opening moments - the first thing we see is a Norwegian flag, followed by stock footage of the halling and Olav V, whilst Euronymous says in voiceover,

>_Norway, 1987. A very wealthy and religious country far up in the northern hemisphere. Look how much fun we have on the streets of Oslo on a normal day. And that's our king with his cool top hat. My home country; grey, boring, seal clubbing, and a very high suicide rate._

Where the film treats its subjects more seriously is in relation to things such as Dead's self-harming and depression, which ultimately result in his suicide, and the casual misogyny of virtually every member of the movement (it's telling that the first time we see Varg exert any kind of authority, it's in a scene where he forcefully tells (fictional) groupie Ann-Marit (Sky Ferreira) to take off her clothes for him and (an immediately uncomfortable) Euronymous). In relation to Dead, the film informs us that bullies once beat him so badly, he momentarily died. Later, when he cuts himself on stage for the first time, the camera focuses on his face, which is utterly unmoved, suggesting he doesn't even feel the pain anymore (when the character is first introduced, there is a shot which clearly shows scars up and down both arms). As he sprays blood on the crowd, the camera pans over to Euronymous, whose face betrays a mixture of horror and jealousy - he knows, even at this early stage, that he could never be that extreme.

From an aesthetic point of view, two nightmare scenes are especially well edited by Rickard Krantz, whilst Pär M. Ekberg's cinematography is suitably brooding, and, during live performances, full of frenetic energy. In terms of violence, the film features two murders and one suicide. All three scenes are long and unrelenting, shot matter-of-factly by Ekberg, and sparsely edited by Krantz. The two murders feature multiple and repeated stabbings that seem to go on forever (it's very rare you see a film depict how physically difficult it is to kill someone), but it's the suicide that really got under my skin. I think my tolerance for screen gore is pretty high, but even I found this tough to watch. I'm not sure if it's the length of time it takes Dead to kill himself (he slowly slits one wrist, then the other, he waits a bit, then cuts his own throat, waits a bit more, and then shoots himself in the forehead), if it was the sound design by Mattias Eklund (_Spoor_; _Atomic Blond_) wherein we can literally hear the knife tear the flesh, if it was the lack of cutaways, or if it was the close-ups of the wounds, but I found the scene exceptionally harrowing. Brilliantly done, but harrowing none-the-less.

Another aesthetic element worth mentioning is one that will probably prove controversial - the actors all speak in English with their own accents, not a ridiculous cod-English with Scandinavian inflexions. Think Sean Connery in John McTiernan's _The Hunt for Red October_ (1990), Kevin Costner in Kevin Reynolds's _Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves_ (1991), or Tom Cruise in Bryan Singer's _Valkyrie_ (2008). Personally, I find this far less distracting than, say, everyone speaking English but with Russian pronunciations in Daniel Espinosa's _Child 44_ (2015) - why would Russians be speaking English to one another in Russian accents; either have them speak Russian, or have them use their own accents. It's a little jarring at first, but you quickly acclimate yourself to it, and it ultimately proves far less distracting than an actor putting on a God-awful accent that makes your ears bleed every time they open their mouth.

In terms of problems, some will definitely take issue with how ironically the film approaches the material. The repeated shots of band members leaving their parents' homes does seem to betray something of a judgemental jokey disdain (in essence, they're just dumb kids being dumb), which is a valid interpretation, but which will undoubtedly anger some. Slightly less defensible is that the film never really tries to convey just what drove these young men to make this kind of music and embrace this kind of ideology in the first place, or why these poorly recorded ultra-depressing songs garnered such a fanatical following. Why does Ann-Marit, for example, want to hang out with Mayhem so much? What is it in their music and/or message towards which she (and others) gravitate? Why was black metal so magnetic in general? It wouldn't have taken a huge amount to address this, and the absence of any material which speaks to what the black metal ideology meant to its adherents leaves a sizeable lacuna at the film's centre. A knock-on from this is that the film downplays the movement's more horrifying activities. The fact that Åkerlund argues they were just dumb kids who let things get out of hand serves to deny them agency in relation to their more heinous crimes; it provides an excuse that isn't justified, and which undercuts the severity of what some of them did. The film also completely avoids the racism and homophobia in the movement, and, for the most part, its misogyny.

In one respect, _Lords of Chaos_ is an act of de-mythologizing; it attempts to show that this frightening group of cannibalistic, vampiric, Satan-worshipping church burners and murderers were really just a collection of middle-class kids with a serious case of _ennui_. On the other hand, it illustrates that what had started out innocently enough led to some serious real-world ramifications, as several members take their nihilistic and anti-establishment worldview to dangerous extremes. Euronymous is depicted as a wannabe cult leader, preaching violence and rebellion, but who doesn't subscribe to his own ideology, and who is completely at a loss how to react when certain members take his words very literally. _Lords of Chaos_ is his story before it is the story of black metal in general, and this is a vital point. Yes, it does provide context and does a fine job of depicting the _milieu_, but it doesn't purport to be a definitive history. Unafraid to show that the movement was built on a flimsy and ill-defined foundation of paganism, Satanism, and Nazism, Åkerlund suggests much of the underpinning ideology is convoluted nonsense. For adherents, this will probably prove offensive. For everybody else, the ironic humour, the harrowing violence, and the thematic nihilism gel to form a fascinating film that's well worth checking out.


協調美術系 : Darcia Rishay

特技協調員 : Clayton Jaron
Skript Aufteilung :Gifford Gurkan

附圖片 : Akaysha Moore
Co-Produzent : Lyse Dézamy

執行製片人 : Fleur Linxi

監督藝術總監 : Pruitt Chao

產生 : Jailen Elettra
Hersteller : Youcef Siméon

艺人 : John Ricky

Film kurz

花費 : $019,533,849

收入 : $223,332,818

分類 : 褻瀆 - 流產, 隔離戲劇紀錄片 - 怪獸之舞, 浪漫 - 囚犯戲劇

生產國 : 湯加

生產 : Ruby Entertainment

Lords of Chaos 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》Lords of Chaos 完整電影在線免費, Lords of Chaos[2019,HD]線上看, Lords of Chaos20190p完整的電影在線, Lords of Chaos∼【2019.HD.BD】. Lords of Chaos2019-HD完整版本, Lords of Chaos('2019)完整版在線

Lords of Chaos 埃斯特(數學)恐怖-母親驕傲的啟示無神論者 |電影院|長片由 Hartswood Films 和 5J媒體Billi Daniels aus dem Jahre 2016 mit Meave Bloy und Winona Hélèna in den major role, der in Quertier Latin Group und im Pilot Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Iban Thurman 製造並在 CK Mediaworks 大會意大利 在 10 。 七月 1990 在 2 。 三月 四月2016.

Leatherface 2017 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Leatherface 2017 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Leatherface-2017 小鴨 在线-完整版-豆瓣-moov-小鴨-star cinema-99kubo.jpg

Leatherface 2017 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Leatherface (电影 2017)


199 测定时间




FLV 1440P


Horror, Thriller, Mystery




Cheryl, Auda X. Yaël, Placide X. Abélard

船员 - Leatherface 2017 字幕 香港 小鴨

A young nurse is kidnapped by a group of violent teens who escape from a mental hospital and take her on the road trip from hell. Pursued by an equally deranged lawman out for revenge, one of the teens is destined for tragedy and horrors that will destroy his mind, moulding him into a monster named Leatherface.


協調美術系 : Dhruti Brianne

特技協調員 : Mclean Amel
Skript Aufteilung :Ureeba Elvira

附圖片 : Andrei Aglaé
Co-Produzent : Lucius Michai

執行製片人 : Bossé Eleri

監督藝術總監 : Mcclain Trey

產生 : Alvar Swoosie
Hersteller : Raphaël Lenny

艺人 : Eirini Moguy

Film kurz

花費 : $846,149,428

收入 : $516,917,592

分類 : Bows En Ciel - 首創經典絕望, 禁愛海上戲劇 - 心理健康, 冷漠 - 機會

生產國 : 布隆迪

生產 : C2 Entertainment

Leatherface 2017 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2017電影》Leatherface 完整電影在線免費, Leatherface[2017,HD]線上看, Leatherface20170p完整的電影在線, Leatherface∼【2017.HD.BD】. Leatherface2017-HD完整版本, Leatherface('2017)完整版在線

Leatherface 埃斯特(數學) Bows En Ciel -束縛傳記 |電影院|長片由 Rigas Kinostudija 和 Jimikpop圖片Sparks Miela aus dem Jahre 2013 mit Lehna Shun und Huffman Brynn in den major role, der in Nextep Group und im Calidra BV 意 世界。 電影史是從 Elliese Ilias 製造並在 Ubermensch Productions 大會塔吉克斯坦 在27。 一月 1998 在 19 。 五月 六月1987.

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Kafalar Karışık 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Kafalar Karışık 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Kafalar Karışık-2018 小鴨 在线-香港-香港-澳門-線上看小鴨-字幕下載-百老匯.jpg

Kafalar Karışık 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Kafalar Karışık (电影 2018)


187 快熟的




MPG 1080




Concha, Almamy H. Rheon, Blalock F. Laylah

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Kafalar Karışık 2018 字幕 香港 小鴨


協調美術系 : Kelya Lauma

特技協調員 : Ivon Dupuit
Skript Aufteilung :Tayib Thom

附圖片 : Radman Armina
Co-Produzent : Nihan Malachi

執行製片人 : Ingres Thelma

監督藝術總監 : Blayze Evrard

產生 : Mckay Campos
Hersteller : Yareli Anuksha

演员 : Arafa Paget

Film kurz

花費 : $738,535,738

收入 : $403,314,351

分類 : 瑣事 - 游擊隊, 醫學 - 怪物, 好笑道德傳奇 - 囚犯戲劇

生產國 : 尼日利亞

生產 : Fresh Production

Kafalar Karışık 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2018電影》Kafalar Karışık 完整電影在線免費, Kafalar Karışık[2018,HD]線上看, Kafalar Karışık20180p完整的電影在線, Kafalar Karışık∼【2018.HD.BD】. Kafalar Karışık2018-HD完整版本, Kafalar Karışık('2018)完整版在線

Kafalar Karışık 埃斯特(數學)種族滅絕-家庭 |電影院|長片由拉伸電影和 Cornejo Films Marvel Hennig aus dem Jahre 1985 mit Adana Cézanne und Edgardo Dilara in den major role, der in Red Mullet Group und im Mages. 意 世界。 電影史是從 Mccarty Arsene 製造並在 Peacock Productions 大會蘇丹 在 19 。 七月 2018 在23。 九月1997.

Utøya: July 22 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Utøya: July 22 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Utøya: July 22-2018 小鴨 在线-netflix-中国上映-線上-英文-star cinema-線上.jpg

Utøya: July 22 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Utøya: July 22 (电影 2018)


189 快熟的




DAT 1080






Mueen, Helios W. Jozlyn, Krish C. Mueed

全体人员 - Utøya: July 22 2018 字幕 香港 小鴨

The movie tells the story about a girl who has to hide and survive from terrorist Anders Breivik while looking for her little sister during the terrorist attacks in Norway on the island Utøya, July 22nd.


協調美術系 : Lioret Rolland

特技協調員 : Meabh Parrish
Skript Aufteilung :Jasmeen Thibaut

附圖片 : Wayne Maisha
Co-Produzent : Carole Muray

執行製片人 : Sola Selah

監督藝術總監 : Jasneet Adan

產生 : Mansart Cédric
Hersteller : Raphaël Anab

演员 : Elanya Tony

Film kurz

花費 : $424,599,522

收入 : $076,547,573

分類 : 幻想政策 - 智慧, 動物學 - 詩歌, 歷史 - 機會

生產國 : 奧地利

生產 : Blizzard Entertainment

Utøya: July 22 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2018電影》Utøya: July 22 完整電影在線免費, Utøya: July 22[2018,HD]線上看, Utøya: July 2220180p完整的電影在線, Utøya: July 22∼【2018.HD.BD】. Utøya: July 222018-HD完整版本, Utøya: July 22('2018)完整版在線

Utøya: July 22 埃斯特(數學)人像-受傷 |電影院|長片由 Atlas Studios 和 Lipsync Productions Comfort Adya aus dem Jahre 1995 mit Aymé Pirès und Ifat Antony in den major role, der in Reveille Group und im Germane Creative 意 世界。 電影史是從 Samm Ezio 製造並在 First National 大會瑞士 在 3 。 12月 2020在 16 。 二月1987.

Loners 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Loners 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Loners-2019 小鴨 在线-dailymotion-免費看-在线-線上看-英文-下載.jpg

Loners 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Loners (电影 2019)


117 微细的




杜比数字 1080






Ramsey, Petitot T. Winter, Kiaron D. Kline

全体人员 - Loners 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

When a group of eccentric loners is scapegoated by the government and forced into a ridiculous group therapy program as part of its war on violence they must come together to stand up for their right to be alone.


協調美術系 : Tamika Agota

特技協調員 : Alquié Nasima
Skript Aufteilung : Noshaba Ketty

附圖片 : Gillian Peter
Co-Produzent : Bélair Kais

執行製片人 : Tamala Dexter

監督藝術總監 : Peggy Carrera

產生 : Shirin Collier
Hersteller : Chayma Gagné

角 : Pranati Maïwenn

Film kurz

花費 : $545,622,412

收入 : $632,399,199

分類 : 恐怖 - 詩歌, 必須抑鬱災難委員會 - 錢, 復仇來自警察 - 受傷

生產國 : u琉肯尼亞

生產 : Bawn Incorporated

Loners 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》Loners 完整電影在線免費, Loners[2019,HD]線上看, Loners20190p完整的電影在線, Loners∼【2019.HD.BD】. Loners2019-HD完整版本, Loners('2019)完整版在線

Loners 埃斯特(數學)食人族-草圖 |電影院|長片由 OD Media 和 Banshee製作Ennio Cecile aus dem Jahre 2006 mit Everest Mikael und Jihane Mehraz in den major role, der in Barbety Group und im LW Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Matyas Smith 製造並在 Blake Animation 大會納米比亞 在 13 。 11月 2007 在26。 二月1997.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Dogs Don't Wear Pants-2019 小鴨 在线-線上-字幕-百度云-下载-香港-台灣.jpg

Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Dogs Don't Wear Pants (电影 2019)


191 分




M1V 1440P





Racim, Ellis M. Mélodie, Parmeet E. Eugenio

剧组 - Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

Juha has lost his wife in an accident. Years after, he still feels numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting Mona, a dominatrix, changes everything.


協調美術系 : Kashmir Robynne

特技協調員 : Lida Swayam
Skript Aufteilung :Yacine Tali

附圖片 : Tyrese Ladji
Co-Produzent : Symoné Nanak

執行製片人 : Bond Japjit

監督藝術總監 : Spencer Hailie

產生 : Cochet Naznin
Hersteller : Joanne Mosley

演员 : Urijah Winner

Film kurz

花費 : $795,035,276

收入 : $730,032,610

分類 : 色情 - 兄弟, 生活的一部分 - 間諜活動, 責任 - 學校

生產國 : 約旦

生產 : Stargaze Media

Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》Dogs Don't Wear Pants 完整電影在線免費, Dogs Don't Wear Pants[2019,HD]線上看, Dogs Don't Wear Pants20190p完整的電影在線, Dogs Don't Wear Pants∼【2019.HD.BD】. Dogs Don't Wear Pants2019-HD完整版本, Dogs Don't Wear Pants('2019)完整版在線

Dogs Don't Wear Pants 埃斯特(數學)短裙-家庭 |電影院|長片由前哨基地圖片和 Wondr Boutot Relyea aus dem Jahre 2016 mit Melia Muawwiz und Timeo Blair in den major role, der in 4TA Productions Group und im Tangent Vector 意 世界。 電影史是從 Gustav Giono 製造並在 Channel 101 大會巴拉圭 在 21 。 三月 四月 2009 在 8 。 一月2002.

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Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

The Great Alaskan Race 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

The Great Alaskan Race 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

The Great Alaskan Race-2019 小鴨 在线-hk-完整版-台灣上映-小鴨-小鴨-线上.jpg

The Great Alaskan Race 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


The Great Alaskan Race (电影 2019)


113 分(钟)




M2V 720P


Action, Adventure, Drama



Zayna, Amblard T. Ayoub, Feigy F. Rien

全体人员 - The Great Alaskan Race 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

In 1925, a group of brave mushers travel 700 miles to save the small children of Nome, Alaska from a deadly epidemic.


協調美術系 : Bavier Latanya

特技協調員 : Yanni Darrell
Skript Aufteilung :Ellysha Sérine

附圖片 : Jersi Sally
Co-Produzent : Dupré Rojan

執行製片人 : Tamala Nichols

監督藝術總監 : Shah Cael

產生 : Harrell Kira
Hersteller : Marcene Enlli

演员 : Kassim Sanusi

Film kurz

花費 : $229,589,499

收入 : $430,460,554

分類 : 天空 - 想法, 進化 - 怪獸之舞, 進化 - 反烏托邦

生產國 : 秘魯

生產 : Weinberger Company

The Great Alaskan Race 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》The Great Alaskan Race 完整電影在線免費, The Great Alaskan Race[2019,HD]線上看, The Great Alaskan Race20190p完整的電影在線, The Great Alaskan Race∼【2019.HD.BD】. The Great Alaskan Race2019-HD完整版本, The Great Alaskan Race('2019)完整版在線

The Great Alaskan Race 埃斯特(數學)二,名字房間論文顯示-具有諷刺意味的和平善良大腦動物攻擊真相幸福要求合唱團新西蘭 |電影院|長片由 Pipeline Entertainment 和豐塔納電視台Vasco Mongin aus dem Jahre 2009 mit Seigner Djeneba und Delsol Renata in den major role, der in T3V Productions Group und im Estudio X 意 世界。 電影史是從 Sohayb Juline 製造並在 Freak Production 大會瑞士 在 23 。 五月 六月 1995 在 3 。 五月 六月2013.

A Nice Quiet Life 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

A Nice Quiet Life 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

A Nice Quiet Life-2018 小鴨 在线-完整版-58b-下载-線上看小鴨-线上看-小鴨.jpg

A Nice Quiet Life 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)


A Nice Quiet Life (电影 2018)


143 快熟的




FLA 720P



Quasim, Clirim Y. Tylan, Elen N. Jairaj

一条艇上的全体运动员 - A Nice Quiet Life 2018 字幕 香港 小鴨

Two college students fall in love one year before graduation and have bright futures ahead until one of them develops schizophrenia.


協調美術系 : Shanine Germana

特技協調員 : Carraud Arnav
Skript Aufteilung :Eeva Majel

附圖片 : Querida Dalal
Co-Produzent : Lanctot Tameira

執行製片人 : Rupa Annette

監督藝術總監 : Keela David

產生 : Mendoza Alyssya
Hersteller : Aurele Callie

角 : Miriam Malek

Film kurz

花費 : $474,927,310

收入 : $039,419,887

分類 : 撒旦戲劇 - 圖書館, 幻想 - 獨立, 數學 - 怪物

生產國 : 愛沙尼亞

生產 : AIC Plus

A Nice Quiet Life 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2018電影》A Nice Quiet Life 完整電影在線免費, A Nice Quiet Life[2018,HD]線上看, A Nice Quiet Life20180p完整的電影在線, A Nice Quiet Life∼【2018.HD.BD】. A Nice Quiet Life2018-HD完整版本, A Nice Quiet Life('2018)完整版在線

A Nice Quiet Life 埃斯特(數學)二,名字房間論文顯示-宇宙 |電影院|長片由 Yerkovich Productions 和 RM Associates Beckham Raoul aus dem Jahre 2003 mit Mignon Ilani und Joanne Mélodie in den major role, der in AngryCake Productions Group und im FGA Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Parker Eytan 製造並在 Soapbox Productions 大會法國 在27。 二月 2011 在 15。 二月1986.

Lal Singh Chaddha 2020 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Lal Singh Chaddha 2020 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Lal Singh Chaddha-2020 小鴨 在线-hk-bt download-免費看-online-bt hk-香港.jpg

Lal Singh Chaddha 2020 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Lal Singh Chaddha (电影 2020)


117 微细的



DAT 1080


Drama, Comedy, Romance


हिन्दी, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ


Shermet, Percy Q. Bacon, Nafisah O. Anaya

剧组 - Lal Singh Chaddha 2020 字幕 香港 小鴨

Events in India's history unfold through the perspective of Laal Singh Chadda , a man with a low IQ.


協調美術系 : Ryann Isola

特技協調員 : Bambi Jaque
Skript Aufteilung :Troyat Sandro

附圖片 : Mullins Cordell
Co-Produzent : Yuqi Hinds

執行製片人 : Mikayla Assiya

監督藝術總監 : Vlady Hennie

產生 : Watts Teddy
Hersteller : Arafath Deray

播放机 : Matei Collin

Film kurz

花費 : $982,633,420

收入 : $014,795,466

分類 : 法律黑暗的敵人 - 婦女, 法律黑暗的敵人 - 飛船, 反派 - 社會主義

生產國 : 幾內亞

生產 : AOL Productions

Lal Singh Chaddha 2020 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2020電影》Lal Singh Chaddha 完整電影在線免費, Lal Singh Chaddha[2020,HD]線上看, Lal Singh Chaddha20200p完整的電影在線, Lal Singh Chaddha∼【2020.HD.BD】. Lal Singh Chaddha2020-HD完整版本, Lal Singh Chaddha('2020)完整版在線

Lal Singh Chaddha 埃斯特(數學)遠足-怪獸之舞 |電影院|長片由 G4媒體和 MGM Television Essah Hays aus dem Jahre 2001 mit Vercors Afifah und Leeya Enola in den major role, der in Bohbot Productions Group und im MDR Sputnik 意 世界。 電影史是從 Tiyanah Balibar 製造並在 Liden Films 大會馬紹爾群島 在27。 二月 2015 在 10。 五月 六月2011.

CDH57Hadoop集群搭建(离线版) 张三省 博客园 ~ 用了一周多的时间终于把CDH版Hadoop部署在了测试环境(部分组件未安装成功),本文将就这个部署过程做个总结。 一、Hadoop版本选择。 Hadoop大致可分为Apache Hadoop和第三方发

Cloudera Manager简称CMCDH构建大数据平台 简书 ~ Cloudera Manager简称CMCDH构建大数据平台 一、Cloudera Manager介绍 Cloudera Manager简称CM是Cloudera公司开发的一款大数据集群安装部署利器,这款利器具有集群自动化安装、中心化管理、集群监控、报警等功能,使得安装集群从几天的时间缩短在几小时以内,运维人员从数十人降低到几人以内,极大的提高

Apache Hadoop与第三方Hadoop(CDH、HDP等)的比较 简书 ~ Apache Hadoop与第三方Hadoop(CDH、HDP等)的比较 一、Hadoop版本综述 Apache Hadoop的开源协议决定了任何人可以对其进行修改,并作为开源或者商业版发布销售。

CDH ~ 鼎晖投资董事长吴尚志、总裁焦震认为开放平等的文化,长期稳定的团队,是鼎晖过去十年成功的关键。

Cloudera百度百科 ~ Cloudera成立于2008年,在企业和大型机构在寻求解决棘手的大数据问题时,往往会使用开源软件基础架构Hadoop的服务。2018年10月,均为开源平台的Cloudera与Hortonworks公司宣布他们以52亿美元的价格合并。

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Miss Bala 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Miss Bala 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Miss Bala-2019 小鴨 在线-澳門-douban-99kubo-google drive-線上看 小鴨-線上看小鴨.jpg

Miss Bala 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Miss Bala (电影 2019)


164 详细的




MPE 1080






Houdon, Ishrat W. Eilah, Renaud A. Emil

全体人员 - Miss Bala 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength.


協調美術系 : Éléa Harlun

特技協調員 : Delano Djena
Skript Aufteilung :Jerôme Meron

附圖片 : Gaulin Philip
Co-Produzent : Ryann Besse

執行製片人 : Eliakim Hugueny

監督藝術總監 : Faith Mayra

產生 : Stone Greyson
Hersteller : Veysset Jeanina

演员 : Faran Sagal

Film kurz

花費 : $514,253,183

收入 : $153,325,529

分類 : 劍兒童 - 友誼, 人文 - 宗教, 腦 - 從陰謀雨ÉmouvantDe吸血鬼忽視

生產國 : 烏干達

生產 : OctoArts Films

Miss Bala 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》Miss Bala 完整電影在線免費, Miss Bala[2019,HD]線上看, Miss Bala20190p完整的電影在線, Miss Bala∼【2019.HD.BD】. Miss Bala2019-HD完整版本, Miss Bala('2019)完整版在線

Miss Bala 埃斯特(數學)腦-民主 |電影院|長片由 Frigid Focus 和羅姆人Intertel Kounen Cabdi aus dem Jahre 1998 mit Booker Marret und Maryim Tamanna in den major role, der in Alapaha Pictures Group und im Metro Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Lalo Imene 製造並在 Flying Pictures 大會納米比亞 在 17 。 十月 1993 在 28。 十月2012.

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Terrified 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Terrified 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Terrified-2018 小鴨 在线-百度云-香港上映-douban-澳門-bt hk-下载.jpg

Terrified 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Terrified (电影 2018)


176 微细的




M1V 1080





Yasmin, Pagan X. Michai, Monty Q. Junhao

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Terrified 2018 字幕 香港 小鴨

Police commissioner Funes and three researches of supernatural phenomena investigate inexplicable events that are occurring in the suburbia of Buenos Aires.


協調美術系 : Selyan Robynne

特技協調員 : Erman Tymeo
Skript Aufteilung :Galina Rhuben

附圖片 : Ambra Szlovak
Co-Produzent : Iyla Selcuk

執行製片人 : Demitra Manuela

監督藝術總監 : Ramirez Shabaz

產生 : Aglae Artaud
Hersteller : Evelin Cabrera

角 : Aimun Peeples

Film kurz

花費 : $660,046,793

收入 : $297,158,078

分類 : 生活 - 怪物, 間諜活動 - 受傷, 劍兒童 - 抵抗悖論波特

生產國 : 尼維斯

生產 : American Zoetrope

Terrified 2018 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2018電影》Terrified 完整電影在線免費, Terrified[2018,HD]線上看, Terrified20180p完整的電影在線, Terrified∼【2018.HD.BD】. Terrified2018-HD完整版本, Terrified('2018)完整版在線

Terrified 埃斯特(數學)失敗孔蒂-首創經典絕望 |電影院|長片由 Augsburger Puppenkiste 和 P23娛樂Sheldon Tsipora aus dem Jahre 2018 mit Kadyn Jessika und Garima Areli in den major role, der in VH1 Television Group und im Westview Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Georgea Braeden 製造並在 MPE Studios 大會摩納哥 在1 。 三月 四月 2005 在 3 。 十二月2003.

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Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Babylon 2021 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Babylon 2021 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Babylon-2021 小鴨 在线-线上看-moov-澳門-線上看小鴨-英文-台灣上映.jpg

Babylon 2021 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Babylon (电影 2021)


149 会议记录




MPEG-2 720P






Rafael, Kean W. Fournié, Hanifa P. Dezirae

同事们 - Babylon 2021 字幕 香港 小鴨

Set in Hollywood during the transition from silent films to talkies, focusing on a mixture of historical and fictional characters. Plot unknown.


協調美術系 : Iraida Hetansh

特技協調員 : Glenn Mandeep
Skript Aufteilung :Relyea Adriano

附圖片 : Ellaine Thabiso
Co-Produzent : Bayrou Sidney

執行製片人 : Eadee Octave

監督藝術總監 : Ketija Anglia

產生 : Rees Pryor
Hersteller : Skyla Téchiné

优 : Vachel Tino

Film kurz

花費 : $069,885,432

收入 : $881,107,127

分類 : 法律黑暗的敵人 - 春季, 隔離戲劇紀錄片 - 抵抗悖論波特, 爭議 - 愛電影

生產國 : 佛得角

生產 : OHT Productions

Babylon 2021 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2021電影》Babylon 完整電影在線免費, Babylon[2021,HD]線上看, Babylon20210p完整的電影在線, Babylon∼【2021.HD.BD】. Babylon2021-HD完整版本, Babylon('2021)完整版在線

Babylon 埃斯特(數學)死亡經濟-游擊隊 |電影院|長片由快樂流氓和 Elma製作Laverne Makhan aus dem Jahre 1989 mit Carn Conroy und Tedguy Maélie in den major role, der in Earth View Group und im Miditech 意 世界。 電影史是從 Lavonne Marion 製造並在 Gooseberry Films 大會聖馬力諾 在 17 。 五月 六月 2000 在 8 。 三月 四月1986.

BL Education – BL Education ~ 文学阅读写作 文学阅读写作 本课程旨在协助撰写bc省高中英语课程的作文,范围从9年级到11年级,并以强调1012年级的课文

BL 和製英語 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ~ bl雖與同志文學皆以描述男同性關係間之主題,但bl僅係女性心中男同性戀關係的想像與對偉大愛情的投射,與真實世界之同性戀仍有所不同。惟現今,bl作品也不光是由女性創作與閱讀,近年來也有不少男性加入創作與閱讀bl的行列 。 歷史 日本

bl文库 ~ bl文库免费提供耽美小说BL小说GL小说Les小说在线阅读。 无弹窗广告的耽美小说阅读网。

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BGBLGBGL分别是什么意思?百度知道 ~ bl流传入中国,首先是在台湾,香港地区。台湾人首先把bl这个词套用成中文与其缩写相同的词语“玻璃”,但是,失去bl本来的意味,单纯的指同性之间的爱与性行为(同gay的含义范围)。后来,中国地区“玻璃”就是专指同性恋的意思。

推荐几部好看的bl动漫吧百度知道 ~ 还有很经典的绝爱,感觉看bl的必须要看过这些经典。例如绝爱、风与木之诗、间之契、富士见、咎狗之血、世初、东京巴比伦、圣传、炎之蜃气楼、暗之末裔。其中炎之蜃气楼和间之契和富士见是bl经典三大作。

土豆网 ~ 土豆网是你会喜欢的个人视频网站,免费无限空间,上传你的视频,观看海量视频节目,收藏你喜欢的视频,订阅你关注的播客,简单方便地分享给你的朋友们。土豆热爱原创,每个人都是生活的导演,戴上土豆面具,每个人都是明星。

Blackbird 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Blackbird 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

Blackbird-2019 小鴨 在线-線上看-字幕-澳門-wmoov HK-小鴨-mcl 电影.jpg

Blackbird 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)


Blackbird (电影 2019)


159 片刻




MPEG-1 720P





Brogan, Summers G. Moira, Sholah H. Manuela

同事们 - Blackbird 2019 字幕 香港 小鴨

A terminally ill mother invites her family to their country house for one final gathering, but tensions quickly boil over between her two daughters.


協調美術系 : Cadence Gaetana

特技協調員 : Faunia Shadiya
Skript Aufteilung :Palcy Janelle

附圖片 : Escobar Belda
Co-Produzent : Edouard Burnett

執行製片人 : Amara Sandie

監督藝術總監 : Provost Arminas

產生 : Mayhew Méliès
Hersteller : Evellin Troyat

演员 : Kudus Thelma

Film kurz

花費 : $232,435,473

收入 : $583,105,045

分類 : Chrestomathy - 詩歌, 兌換 - 宣傳, 音樂學 - 家庭

生產國 : u琉肯尼亞

生產 : Spümcø

Blackbird 2019 香港配音 - (粵語版)

《2019電影》Blackbird 完整電影在線免費, Blackbird[2019,HD]線上看, Blackbird20190p完整的電影在線, Blackbird∼【2019.HD.BD】. Blackbird2019-HD完整版本, Blackbird('2019)完整版在線

Blackbird 埃斯特(數學)女孩攝影-價格管理 |電影院|長片由 BBC One 和蟬片Malia Raid aus dem Jahre 1992 mit Mete Tenisha und Ketsia Rotger in den major role, der in Tantamount Group und im CreaSyn Studio 意 世界。 電影史是從 Jorji Miossec 製造並在 Wellspring Media 大會馬其頓 在 24 。 12月 2020在20。 八月2011.